Helping You Make Informed Decisions
When you need to make an informed individual or business decision, a background investigation can be a substantial and invaluable tool. Our Missoula based private investigators can assist with pre- employment background checks by verifying prior employment history, judgments, criminal record history, education, bankruptcies, driving record history, tax liens, adverse credit profiles, professional licenses and more.

At Bitterroot investigations, our background check investigators recognize that no two cases are perfectly the same. We personalize every background check to fit each client’s needs and requests. Our investigators can run different types of background investigations to fit the specific information you are requesting.
Our Investigators recommend not conducting background check doing your own research as information from the Internet is predominantly incomplete, making it treacherous to accept this data as factual. Our private investigators have vast training and experience conducting background checks, which qualifies them to perform these investigations and get precise error-free results.
Criminal Records
Running a primary criminal record analysis is an undeniable necessity. This not only secures the company from avoidable exposure to theft and deceit but also defends other employees from the threat of workplace violence and harassment.
Litigation Background Investigations
Work-related injury and discrimination lawsuits cost U.S. employers billions of dollars each year. Employers can proactively defend themselves by weeding out high-risk applicants who often file such lawsuits. A comprehensive civil background investigation may turn up a pattern filing false or fraudulent
lawsuits for financial gain.
Employment References
Employment reference checks are a dynamic means of authenticating a potential employee’s application or resume. The process allows the business to employ an individual that will be a perfect fit for the precise job and company.
Personal References
Personal references rarely amount to more than a list of friends or acquaintances who talk well of the applicant. A skilled investigator can structure thoughtful, concise questions that may expose disparities
in employment or inflated credentials. Do not miscalculate the value of direct personal reference verification.
Education Verification
It is essential for employers to verify whether a candidate has graduated from high school, obtained a GED, developed technical training or held a college degree. This allows the company to better hire the applicant with the experience and competence for a position.
Driving Records
Personal references rarely amount to more than a list of friends or acquaintances who talk well of the applicant. A skilled investigator can structure thoughtful, concise questions that may expose disparities in employment or inflated credentials. A driver’s record is a remarkably cost-effective search and can substantially reduce the employer’s risk of transportation-related incidents and accidents.
Military Records
Most applicants and employers are unfamiliar that we can verify military reports. Likewise, most applicants improperly assume that their claims of military involvement will be overlooked for truthfulness. If you suspect that an applicant may misrepresent his or her military record or discharge
status, you owe it to your company to do a thorough military background check.
Professional License Verification
Government authorities with control of professional licensees generally keep records about education, investigations, and disciplinary matters. The magnitude of licenses and regulating agencies can make it nearly hopeless for a potential company to verify all the different licenses claimed by candidates. We
can appropriately verify the license and research for any disciplinary actions or terminations.
Financial Background
An applicant’s economic background is an exceptional illustration of his or her potential as an employee. Credit scores, bankruptcy records, liens, judgments, and civil lawsuits may be included in the investigative report.
If you need an experienced Montana investigator to conduct background checks, we can be of
assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Bitterroot Investigations.