Social Media Investigations

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and it is a valuable source of information for private investigators. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer a wealth of information about a person’s activities, interests, and relationships. Private investigators can use this information to conduct investigations on behalf of individuals, […]
How Much Do Private Investigators Make?

Private investigators are professionals who are hired to conduct investigations on behalf of individuals, businesses, and government agencies. They use a range of techniques to gather evidence, such as surveillance, interviews, and document review. The job of a private investigator can be challenging and demanding, but it can also be rewarding both financially and personally. […]
Common Types of Fraud For Private Investigators

Fraud investigations are a crucial aspect of private investigations. Fraud can occur in any industry or organization and can cause significant financial and reputational damage. Private investigators play an essential role in detecting and preventing fraud by conducting thorough investigations. In this blog post, we will discuss fraud investigations for private investigators, including what fraud […]
10 Signs That Your Partner Is Cheating

10 Signs That Your Partner Is Cheating Suspect of a cheating husband or cheating wife? Of course, we all hate to even think about it, but unfortunately the ugly truth is that several studies have shown that the percentage of men and women who have admitted to infidelity is higher than ever. Although you’re likely to think […]
Background Check VS Background Investigation

Background Check VS Background Investigation Many people use the terms background check and background investigation interchangeably. The reality is they are very different and take different levels of expertise. It’s important to know the differences so you know which type of service suits your situation best. What is a background check? A background check is […]
How To Become a Private Investigator

How To Become a Private Investigator Many people dream of becoming a private investigator yet wonder how to become a private investigator. The job is often over-glamorized by the media, especially thanks to the rise of Hollywood films. However, there are a number of different perks that are offered by becoming a private […]
What Is A Skip Tracer?

What Is A Skip Tracer When it comes to finding someone who has made it their mission not to be found, you might find yourself at a loss for where to start. America is a huge country; how on earth could anyone track a missing person down? Just in case you should happen to find yourself […]
Why should you hire a child custody investigator?

Why should you hire a child custody investigator? As a parent, your child’s well-being and safety is your number one concern. Every child should be able to have a happy, carefree childhood. But what if you share custody of your child with another person and discover that your child is being exposed to unsafe situations […]
Why You Should Hire a Private Investigator For a Background Check

Why You Should Hire a Private Investigator For a Background Check You might come across a situation where you will want to vet candidates for a new position within your or another company. You may even want to take it a step further than a background check and conduct a background investigation for a more responsible role where […]
What Is A Private Investigator
By: JMBA Counsellor-at-Law What Is A Private Investigator? Bitterroot Investigations- Missoula Montana- Private Investigator. Perhaps you may have already heard the words “private investigator” once in your life, maybe during a casual conversation between people, over the radio, or possibly through a shady character in a movie. But, did you really understand what a private […]